Common printing of water supply pipeline identification pile
The water supply pipeline identification pile is usually printed with the logo and telephone of the pipeline owner, and the font is generally printed with "water supply pipeline, no excavation", "water supply pipeline, no excavation", "water supply pipeline, no excavation", "water supply pipeline, no excavation", "water supply pipeline, no excavation", and no excavation“
Code for setting of water supply pipeline marker posts
High pressure and ultra-high pressure pipelines (P > 1.6Mpa) must be provided with identification piles. Other pressure grade pipelines can be provided with identification piles. Identification piles should be made of plastic or other non-metallic materials. The location and spacing of marker posts shall meet the following requirements:
The identification pile shall be installed directly above the pipe. When the identification pile is used as a corner pile, it shall be installed directly above the midpoint of the corner section. When there is no installation condition directly above the pipeline, it can be set in the roadside green belt relatively close to the church, and the pipe pile shall be marked on the identification pile.
No sign post shall be set on the completely closed road.
The installation spacing of identification piles should be 100m If the ground is flat, there are few visual obstacles and the pipeline route is straight, the installation spacing of identification piles can be greater than 100m In special sections and accident prone sections, the installation spacing can be shortened.
The front of the sign pile shall contain warning words and face the road.

The shape of the identification pile shall meet the following requirements:
High pressure and ultra-high pressure pipe identification piles shall be cubes consisting of piles and pile caps.
Other pressure class pipe identification piles shall be triangular columns.
The size of identification pile can be selected according to the following provisions. The size of the cube marker post is 150mm × 150mm × 1000mm. The dimension of the equilateral triangle column identification pile is b × h:150mm × 1000mm.
The contents of the identification pile must include the name of the pipeline ownership unit, warning words and contact number.
The contents of water supply identification pile may include identification pile number, pressure pipe use registration number, pipeline area name, enterprise identification, etc.
For more information about water supply marker posts, you can follow our website http://www.binzhouhengtong.com Get get!