1、 模具制作 道口标桩、警示桩模具采用圆钢加工制作,分左右两半,并且上面焊有紧固螺栓,以防止其振捣张开,影响其尺寸。
1. The mold for making road crossing stakes and warning stakes is made of round steel, divided into left and right halves, and welded with fastening bolts to prevent them from vibrating and affecting their size.
2、 道口标桩、警示桩预制 预制采用集中预制,按设计要求,先浇筑保护层再放入预制好的配筋,再采用分层浇筑,用振捣器捣密实后浇筑第二层,待浇筑后达到凝固强度后,打开模具,将其表面缠覆盖薄膜进行养生。
2. The prefabrication of road crossing stakes and warning stakes adopts centralized prefabrication. According to the design requirements, the protective layer is poured first, and then the prefabricated reinforcement is placed. Then, layered pouring is used, and the second layer is poured after being compacted with a vibrator. After reaching the solidification strength after pouring, the mold is opened and the surface is wrapped with a film for health preservation.
3、 道口标桩、警示桩基础开挖 道口标桩、警示桩施工工具流动性大,零碎的特点,基础采用人工开挖,并将底部整平压实。 4、 喷涂发光漆 严格按图纸要求的颜色、间距涂刷发光漆。

3. Crossing marker peg, warning pile foundation excavation Crossing marker peg, warning pile construction tools are highly mobile and fragmented. The foundation is excavated manually, and the bottom is leveled and compacted. 4. Spray luminescent paint strictly according to the color and spacing required in the drawing.
5、 安装 根据道口标桩、警示桩施工具有流动性大、零碎、基础混凝土用量少的特点,现将混凝土按配合比拌合成干料,在运现场进行加水拌合,这样既可以避免混凝土在运输过程中出现离析问题,还能节省资源,不会造成不必要的浪费。
5. According to the characteristics of high fluidity, fragility, and low amount of foundation concrete in the construction of road crossing stakes and warning stakes, the concrete is now mixed into dry materials according to the mix ratio, and mixed with water when transported to the site. This can not only avoid segregation problems of concrete during transportation, but also save resources and avoid unnecessary waste.
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