标志桩注意事项:施工作业人员佩戴帽等劳动保护用品;施工场地内设置各种醒目的警戒标志;应加强现场管理,加强对职工的教育。弃土弃料在位置堆放,并堆放整齐,必要时进行植被保护和 采取措施以防水土流失造成环境和农田污染。土区开挖后场地整平,边坡修整,并进行植被保护。施工中采取措施避免和减少水土流失,当发生水土或因水土流失对农田和环境造成污染时及时处理。.临时工程用地在征用完土地后进行恢复,达到与出租人签订的合同要求并让出租人满意。工程完工后,所有占用场地的杂物。施工的材料应。
Precautions for sign posts: Construction workers should wear safety helmets and other labor protection equipment; Set up various eye-catching warning signs within the construction site; We should strengthen on-site safety management and strengthen safety education for employees. The waste soil and materials should be stacked in a neat and orderly manner, and vegetation protection and measures should be taken if necessary to prevent environmental and agricultural pollution caused by soil erosion. After excavation in the soil area, the site is leveled, the slope is trimmed, and vegetation protection is carried out. During construction, measures should be taken to avoid and reduce soil erosion. When soil erosion occurs or causes pollution to farmland and the environment, it should be promptly addressed The temporary construction land will be restored after the land acquisition, meeting the requirements of the contract signed with the lessor and satisfying the lessor. After the completion of the project, remove all debris that occupies the site. Materials left over during construction should be removed.
Basic requirements for the installation of oil and gas pipeline line markings
When two pipelines with the same medium are laid in the same trench, the line markings should be merged and placed in the middle of the two pipelines; When three pipelines are laid in the same trench, route markings should be set separately.
When two pipelines with different media are laid in the same trench, ground markings for the lines should be set separately.

The line markings of parallel pipelines should be set separately, and the line markings of each pipeline should be clear, eye-catching, and easy to distinguish.
Except for corner stakes, when multiple line markers need to be set at the same location, only one line marker should be set in the order of mileage stakes/test stakes, marker stakes, communication markers, and boundary markers.
Except for two pipelines with the same medium laid in the same trench, line markings should be set above the centerline of the pipeline, and the position can be adjusted longitudinally to meet visibility requirements.
In principle, route markings should be set up on open wasteland such as roadsides, ridges, and embankments to reduce the impact on land use.
The front of the line identification piles without clear instructions should face the direction of oil (gas) coming in.
When the buried depth of the pipeline is shallow and the route identification has an impact on the pipeline, the depth of the buried part of the route identification can be appropriately reduced, but should not be less than 0.3 meters, and the height above the ground remains unchanged.