地埋标志桩,一直被视作预防石油管道受第三方施工团队破坏的一条防线。正是因为地埋标志桩的作用如此重要,所以 ,各责任单位对是有标志桩的选用都有着一套严苛的要求:印刷用语准确规范、字迹清晰不易脱落、材质坚固耐用不易磨损腐 蚀等等。
Buried marker piles have always been regarded as a line of defense to prevent oil pipelines from being damaged by third-party construction teams. It is precisely because the role of buried marker piles is so important, so each responsible unit has a set of strict requirements for the selection of marker piles: accurate and standard printing language, clear handwriting that is not easy to fall off, solid and durable material that is not easy to wear and corrosion, etc.
作为保护管道的重要设施,地埋标志桩的重要性自然不言而喻。根据相关文件的要求,在石油、天然气等重要管道线 路沿线都须设置符合国标的标志桩。
As an important facility to protect pipeline safety, the importance of buried marker piles is self-evident. According to the requirements of relevant documents, signposts conforming to national standards must be set up along important oil and gas pipelines.
设置地埋标志桩的主要目的,就是为了提醒、警示过往的行人和车辆,小心避让,以减少车辆误伤、压占管道而导致石油 管道破损、石油泄漏等意外事故。
The main purpose of setting buried marker piles is to remind and warn pedestrians and vehicles passing by, and avoid them carefully, so as to reduce accidents such as oil pipeline damage and oil leakage caused by vehicles' accidental injury and occupation of pipelines.、

如果管道事故已经发生,那么其他人也能够通过地埋标志桩上印刷的信息,及时联系到相关的责任单位,尽快管道问 题,避免酿成更严重的后果。
If the pipeline accident has occurred, other people can also contact the relevant responsible unit in time through the information printed on the buried marker post to solve the pipeline problem as soon as possible to avoid more serious consequences.
除此之外,设立地埋标志桩也为管道的日常维护、巡查检修提供了重要指示,特别是在紧急情况下,工作人员能够通过标 志桩印刷的信息,及时准确找到故障管道,排除故障和隐患,提高作业人员的工作效率,保障石油管道运输的畅通。
In addition, the establishment of buried marker piles also provides important instructions for routine maintenance, inspection and repair of pipelines. Especially in emergency, the staff can find the faulty pipelines timely and accurately through the information printed on the marker piles, eliminate faults and hidden dangers, improve the working efficiency of operators, and ensure smooth transportation of oil pipelines.
In order to solve the problem of handwriting retention, screen printing, laser printing, mechanical printing, UV ink-jet printing and other technologies are used to print relevant information on the pile with outdoor special ink to ensure that the printed information is clear and accurate. More relevant content will come to our website http://www.binzhouhengtong.com Consult!